Information for patients

A psychosomatic clinical picture is a prerequisite for treatment in the TCM-Klinik Bad Kötzting. Such is the case if permanent mental stress, for example in the context of professional and private conflicts, is expressed in physical complaints or if physical illnesses cause psychological stress, which in turn worsens the clinical picture.

Mental stress and diagnoses can be:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Chronic fatigue syndromes and burnout disorders
  • Functional and somatoform pain conditions

Physical illnesses that are related to mental stress can be expressed in:

  • Nerve disorders
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Skin diseases
  • Chronic recurrent colds, infections and allergies

Our patients often suffer from several diseases at the same time (multi-morbidity), are chronically ill for a longer period of time and suffer from chronic or chronically recurrent, frequently treated pain conditions.

Because of the intensity and duration of the symptoms, the psychological stress increases, which in turn worsens the clinical picture. Or due to psychological stress or psycho-emotional events, patients develop symptoms that are threatening to chronify or are already chronified.

In your special case, we would be happy to check whether a therapy in our house is promising. The responsible doctors decide on inpatient admission to the clinic after reviewing the submitted preliminary findings and describing the patient’s symptoms in the patient questionnaire.

In certain cases it is not possible to assess your inpatient admission without an examination. We will then offer you a pre-inpatient holistic indication clarification in the outpatient clinic. The health insurance companies do not bear the costs of this additional examination. This examination is calculated according to the fee schedule for doctors (GOÄ) depending on the time and examination effort. You will receive a separate invoice for this, which you should pay after the appointment.
